Freqently Asked Questions
Does the Dept. of Social Services have a hotline?
The Calvert County Department of Social Services’ 24-hour hotline to report child and adult abuse and neglect is (443) 550-6969.
How do you decide who to help?
We primarily provide financial assistance to people referred to us by the Calvert County Department of Social Services (DSS). These individuals are being assisted by professionals who assess the needs and determine the course of action that best promotes self-sufficiency. For individuals in need of financial assistance beyond DSS’s capacity to provide, DSS will request assistance from Calvert Family Advocates. We also coordinate with other organizations in the community such as the homeless shelters and the Calvert County Public Schools. In addition to DSS, these organizations help us understand where the greatest needs are so that we have the knowledge necessary to plan and fundraise for our programs.
How can I access your services?
Calvert County residents are encouraged to visit or call DSS to inquire about available assistance. If the resident qualifies for Calvert Family Advocates assistance, DSS will submit an application to Calvert Family Advocates. DSS is located at 200 Duke St, STE 400, Prince Frederick, MD 20678. Their phone number is (443) 550-6900.
Service Do you provide assistance with transportation?
Calvert Family Advocates provides limited transportation assistance. A good transportation resource for the elderly, disabled and lower income persons is Lifestyles of Maryland at (301) 609-9900 ext. 201.
I’m not a Calvert County resident. Can I still get help from your organization?
We are currently assisting only Calvert County residents. Dial 2-1-1 on your phone or click on www.211md.org to locate resources in your county.