“Preventing homelessness by addressing the immediate critical needs of families”
Calvert Family Advocates provides financial assistance to families referred by Calvert County’s Department of Social Services who are on the threshold of losing their homes or are experiencing emergencies which threaten families’ safety and well-being. Calvert Family Advocates pays rental, mortgage and utilities arranges to enable families to remain together and sheltered; and first month’s rent or security deposits to enable families to transition out of shelters and into permanent housing.
“Helping people “get ahead” through education and job training”
Calvert Family Advocates supports adults striving to achieve or maintain self-sufficiency. Our mission is to “help people help themselves”. We do this by providing financial assistance where gaps exist in government programs. For instance, a lack of funds to repair a car could lead to the loss of a job and the loss of a home. We believe in helping with the car repair so the wage earner does not lose the ability to support themselves and their family. Calvert Family Advocates also provides assistance with the cost of education and job training; job-related clothing and supplies; and transportation-related costs including driver’s education.
“Improving the safety and well-being of vulnerable seniors”
Calvert Family Advocates supports the work of the Calvert County Department of Social Services and the Office on Aging by providing financial support to improve the safety and well-being of senior citizens in need. Examples of assistance provided include medical supplies, prescription deductibles, home safety modifications, and transportation to medical appointments.
“Providing opportunities for homeless and at-risk youth”
Calvert Family Advocates provides opportunities for homeless and at-risk youth by offering grants for summer camp and clothing; and financial assistance with necessities such as food and toiletries. Children receiving assistance through the Youth Program are identified by Calvert County Public Schools’ teachers and staff who know the children and understand the needs of the families.
The McKinney-Vento Program ensures the needs of homeless students are met during the school year. However, during the summer months, these children and youth, who are living doubled up in overcrowded housing, shelters, and motels have limited access to educational and recreational activities. Summer camp provides homeless and at-risk students a safe, fun place to socialize with their peers, engage in new experiences, and have a brief respite from the stress of homelessness. For children who have never had new clothes, a new outfit increases their self-esteem and readiness to learn.
Child Advocacy Center
“Protecting and caring for victims of child abuse”
The Child Advocacy Center is a child friendly, neutral location for children and families to be forensically interviewed, receive medical exams as necessary, and receive crisis intervention services. The foundation of a Child Advocacy Center is a multidisciplinary team approach (MDT). The MDT is a group of professionals, from specific disciplines, who provide a coordinated response in an effort to reduce potential trauma to children and families while respecting the mandates and obligations of each agency. When all treatment providers and investigative personnel come together in one location, abused children do not have to endure the repeat trauma caused by retelling their story multiple times and in multiple locations.
Calvert County’s State’s Attorney’s Office, law enforcement, the Department of Social Services, and Calvert Family Advocates worked together to leverage both government and community resources to open the Center in July 2018.